We are shocked at the news of the French High Court’s ruling of 20 October 2015, upholding the conviction of citizens for having called for the boycott of Israeli products, in light of the State of Israel’s violations of international law.
Beyond the various opinions we may hold on this boycott, we wish to express our outrage at such an attack on civil rights. Boycotts for social, political and economic change have always been considered protected forms of free speech in democratic countries.
What has France come to, when a call for boycott is considered “incitement to discrimination” only if it concerns Israel, but would pose no problem if aimed at another country? Was the boycott against apartheid South Africa a form of “discrimination”?
For decades, the State of Israel has violated international conventions and trampled the UN-sanctioned rights of the Palestinian people, especially the inalienable right to self-determination, without causing any reaction beyond verbal condemnation on the part of our governments. Faced with this inaction, it is the right and the duty of citizens to act through the peaceful means at their disposal.
Boycott on the part of citizens, calls for Divestment by institutions, pension funds and companies, demands for Sanctions on the part of States, the EU and the UN: these are nonviolent ways to answer the call issued by the absolute majority in Palestinian civil society in 2005.
This call of the Palestinian civil society is based on the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the rejection of all forms of racism including Islamophobia and anti-Semitism. It has thus received the support of many Jewish activists, academics and artists worldwide.
Around the world, the State of Israel is actively promoting a conflation that is extremely dangerous, including for Jewish citizens of different countries: that any criticism of Israeli policy is tantamount to antisemitism. It is appalling to see the French State continue to give in to this kind of pressure.
We call on the President of the Republic and the French Government to react urgently:
- by immediately repealing the Alliot Marie and Mercier circulars, which instruct French prosecutors to go after all activists who call for a boycott of Israeli products exclusively,
- by marking the boundaries, clearly and publicly, between antisemitism, which is a crime, and civic action against the State of Israel’s disregard for international law, which is a citizen’s inalienable right.
This clarification is particularly urgent given the dramatic context that France has endured since the 13th of November, a context that requires the utmost clarity and the rejection of all false conflation.
If, on the other hand, you persist in this confusion, then follow through with your logic and launch legal proceedings against all of us for our principled support for French activists who call for the boycott of Israeli products as long as Israel continues to violate international law.
This international call is addressed to the President of the Republic, Mr. François Hollande, the Prime Minister, Mr. Manuel Valls, and the Minister of Justice, Mr. Jean-Jacques Urvoas.
First signers
Rony Brauman, doctor, essay writer
Jean-Paul Chagnollaud, professor of political science and director of the iReMMO
Christiane Hessel
Monique Chemillier-Gendreau, professor emeritus at Université Paris Diderot
Ghislain Poissonnier, magistrate
Guillaume Weill-Raynal, lawyer and essay writer
Ivar Ekeland, former president of Université Paris-Dauphine
Ahmed Abbes : head of research at the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), Paris
Sonia Dayan-Herzbrun, professor emeritus at Université Paris Diderot-Paris7
Michael Harris, professor, Université Paris-Diderot
Jean-Marc Levy-Leblond, professor emeritus at Université de Nice, director of the journal Alliage
Gérard Toulouse, physicist, head of research at the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), founding member of the Académie des Technologies
Pierre Cartier, head of research emeritus at the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research)
René Backmann, journalist
Alain Gresh, journalist
Patrick Le Hyaric, director of the paper L’Humanité
Denis Sieffert, director of the paper Politis
Dominique Vidal Sephiha, journalist and historian
Pascal Durand, member of the European parlament
Monique Cerisier ben-Guiga, honorary senator
Jean-Claude Lefort, honorary deputy, honorary president of the AFPS
Bernard Ravenel, historian, honorary president of the AFPS
Jacques Muller, honorary mayor of Wattwiller, former senator of Haut-Rhin
Michèle Zémor, vice president of Plaine Commune agglomeration
Allain Graux, independent journalist
Augustin Grosdoy, co-president of MRAP
Dominique Watrin, senator of Pas de Calais
Jean-Jacques Candelier, Nord deputy
Alain Bocquet, Nord deputy
Fatima Bezli, regional council of Auvergne-Rhône Alpes
Barbara Romagnan, Doubs deputy
Titi Robin, musician
Saïd Bouamama, sociologist
Henri Stoll, mayor of Kaysersberg-Vignoble
Isabelle Avran, journalist
Hassane Zerrouky, political and investigative journalist
Pierre Barbancey, journalist (international correspondent)
Rosa Moussaoui, journalist
Clémentine Autain, spokesperson of Ensemble
Marie-Claire Cailletaud, trade unionist
Marie-Hélène Amiable, mayor of Bagneux, departmental councillor
Jacques Couland, historian
Bernard Rodenstein, pastor, founding president of the association Espoir (Hope) in Colmar
Daniel Breuiller, mayor of Arcueil
Denis Péan (Lo’Jo), artist
Marie-Caire Cailletaud, trade unionist
Eric Coquerel, political coordinator of the Parti de Gauche party, regional councillor of Ile de France
Christian Troadec, mayor of Carhaix, departmental councillor of Finistère
Pierre Ivora, journalist, l’Humanité
Robert Clément, former mayor of Romainville and former president of the council of Seine Saint Denis
Jean-Pierre Frachon, mountaineer
Azzedine Taïbi, mayor of Stains and vice-president of departmental council of Seine-Saint-Denis
Patrice Leclerc, mayor of Gennevilliers
Julien Pauliac, secretary of the Puy-de-Dôme CGT Union
Myriam Martin, regional councillor and spokesperson for Ensemble
Isabelle Bloch, professor emeritus at university of Bordeaux
Patrick Jarry, mayor of Nanterre
Hakim Amokrane, Zebda
Mustapha Amokrane, Zebda
Kaddour Hadadi, singer, HK & les Saltimbanks
Raphaëlle Primet, city councillor of Paris
Danielle Simonnet, city councillor of Paris
Jérôme Gleizes, city councillor of Paris
Danielle Bidard-Reydet, honorary senator
Majed Bamya, Palestinian diplomat
Christian Champiré, mayor of Grenay
Pierre Laurent, Paris senator and national secretary of the PCF
Lucien Champenois, former diplomat
Bernard Salamand, President of the CRID
Patrick Braouezec, honorary member of Parliament, president of Plaine Commune
Didier Paillard, mayor of Saint-Denis
Nicolas Séguy, musician
Raoul-Marc Jennar, essayist
Joss Dray, photographer
Daniel Junqua, journalist
Danielle Moreau, President of Ritimo
Philippe Grosvalet, president of departmental council of Loire-Atlantique
Jacques Roger-Machart, former deputy