Our dearest wish for 2025: that the Palestinian people will finally be protected!
The year 2024 was marked by 52 weeks of genocide and ruthless repression, with the support and complicity of Israel’s friends and allies, including France the supposedly "homeland of human rights".
A year in which the law asserted itself, denouncing war crimes and crimes against humanity, calling for prevention of the genocide in progress and the arrest of Netanyahu and Gallant, but also demanding an end to the occupation of Palestinian territory and the dismantling of settlements by September.
International law must be applied. To let this happen is being complicit. Those who do nothing will be held accountable before international courts.
In 2025, we will mobilize all our energy to ensure that justice is done for the Palestinian people.
Freedom - dignity - equality for the Palestinian people
There can be no peace without justice, there can only be a political solution!